Gutchess Lumber hardwood forest

Active Forest Management: Creating a Greener Future for All

In elementary science class, we learn that forests are the lungs of our planet. They provide clean air, filter our water, and offer vital habitats for countless species. At Gutchess Lumber, we understand the importance of these ecosystems. We are dedicated to responsible forestry practices, like active forest management, that ensure forest health and longevity for future generations.

One of the cornerstones of our approach is active forest management. This powerful tool can nurture healthy and resilient forests. Let’s explore how it benefits our planet’s vital ecosystems.


Active Forest Management

Active forest management involves carefully selecting and harvesting mature trees, sometimes called selective harvesting. Now, you might be wondering, wouldn’t this harm the forest? Quite the opposite. When done with a long-term perspective, it can promote healthy and sustainable growth. Here’s how:

  • Increased Sunlight for Young Trees: Selective harvesting creates openings in the forest canopy, allowing more sunlight to reach the forest floor. This sunlight is crucial for younger trees, stimulating their growth and development. A diverse mix of age classes within the forest creates a more resilient ecosystem. If a mature forest’s canopy blocks all the sunlight from reaching the forest floor, no new growth will occur.
  • Reduced Competition for Resources: Mature trees can dominate resources like water and nutrients. By strategically removing some of these trees, we create more space and essential resources for younger trees to thrive. This fosters a healthy competitive environment, allowing a diverse range of species to flourish.
  • Enhanced Forest Resilience: Active forest management can help mitigate threats like disease and wildfires. By removing diseased or weak trees, we can prevent the spread of illness and create natural firebreaks, reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfires.


“Offset protocols should incentivize active forest management, which is more effective in capturing and storing atmospheric carbon in forest and wood product carbon pools than a policy of hands-off management that precludes periodic harvests and the use of wood products,” the American Forest Resource Council wrote.


Natural Regeneration

At Gutchess Lumber, we allow Mother Nature to do her thing. When we responsibly harvest hardwood trees, natural regeneration occurs. Following selective harvesting, sunlight reaches the forest floor, triggering a natural phenomenon. Existing tree seedlings that might have been dormant due to limited sunlight receive the necessary energy to flourish. Additionally, seeds from surrounding trees are encouraged to germinate, creating a new generation of growth.

This approach leverages the incredible power of nature, ensuring a diverse mix of trees that fosters a vibrant and healthy forest ecosystem for all its inhabitants.

Planting Trees versus Natural Forest Regeneration

While tree planting initiatives often capture headlines and public enthusiasm, it’s crucial to recognize that planting isn’t always the most beneficial approach for forest restoration. Introducing non-native tree species can disrupt the delicate balance within an ecosystem, out-competing native plants for resources and reducing overall biodiversity. Even planting native trees can have unintended consequences in certain situations. A study measuring the replanting problem’s extent revealed that tree planting is extremely widespread, most notably in incompatible environments. The study’s author suggests that prioritizing natural forest regeneration can be a more effective and sustainable strategy in many cases.


“The best and cheapest answer [to promote forest health] usually just to step back and let nature do the job,” says lead author Matthew Fagan, an assistant professor of geography and environmental systems at the University of Maryland.


In contrast to replanting, natural regeneration allows the forest ecosystem to dictate its regrowth. Sunlight reaching the forest floor awakens dormant seedlings and encourages natural seed dispersal from surrounding trees. This fosters a diverse mix of native species, creating a naturally resilient forest structure that benefits all its inhabitants. By prioritizing natural regeneration, we allow Mother Nature to ensure our forests’ long-term health and biodiversity.


Selective Harvesting and Long-Term Carbon Storage

The story doesn’t end with the harvesting of trees. The hardwood products we manufacture offer another significant environmental benefit. These wood products store the carbon dioxide the tree captured throughout its life. This carbon remains locked away for decades within the furniture, flooring, and other beautiful creations crafted from our sustainable building materials.

By utilizing these selectively harvested trees for long-lasting products, we contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change.

How does Selective Harvesting Help the Environment?

Selective harvesting focuses on removing mature trees that have reached their peak carbon storage capacity. While these giants have played a vital role in capturing carbon for decades, their ability to absorb additional carbon dioxide slows with age. We strategically remove these mature trees and create space and resources for younger trees to thrive. These younger trees, with their faster growth rates, act as powerful carbon sinks, efficiently capturing atmospheric carbon dioxide and locking it away for years to come. This continuous cycle and the long-term carbon storage achieved through our sustainable wood products make responsible forestry a compelling alternative to building materials with higher embodied carbon footprints.

Gutchess Lumber: Committed to a Greener Future

At Gutchess Lumber, we are deeply committed to responsible forestry practices. We believe this approach is essential for a healthy planet and a sustainable future, so we employ a forest team of over 30 qualified foresters with decades of experience carrying out active forest management programs on company and private land. We continuously strive to refine our methods, ensuring the well-being of our forests and the resources they provide for generations to come. Here are some ways we demonstrate this commitment:

  • Selective Harvesting: We only harvest mature trees, following strict guidelines to maintain a healthy forest ecosystem.
  • Responsible Sourcing: Our forestry operations promote our shared commitment to long-term forest health. They manage company and private land within a 100-mile radius of our manufacturing facilities to ensure active forest management plans are followed and trees are responsibly harvested to allow natural forest regeneration.
  • Education and Advocacy: We actively support research and education initiatives focused on sustainable forestry practices.
  • Minimizing Waste: We use every part of the tree, ensuring nothing goes to waste.


At Gutchess Lumber, we’re committed to utilizing every part of the harvested tree to its fullest potential. This minimizes waste and maximizes the environmental benefits of these valuable resources. The bark, for instance, isn’t discarded – it’s transformed into beneficial mulch that nourishes gardens and landscapes. Even the sawdust generated during the milling process finds a purpose, fueling our on-site boilers and contributing to a more sustainable energy source for our operations. This commitment to whole-tree utilization ensures nothing goes to waste, further solidifying our dedication to responsible forestry and creating a greener future for all.

We invite you to learn more about our dedication to responsible forestry and how you can contribute to a sustainable future by sharing our free Lumber Education resources, including free social media posts and press releases.

The Importance of using Hardwood in Urban Infrastructure Projects

It is no secret that timeless and elegant infrastructure can add matched beauty to any product. We, more than anyone, can appreciate the major role that good hardwood plays in this. But that’s not all that hardwood does. Hardwood species are, now more than ever, becoming an absolutely essential part of green urban infrastructure projects. Let’s take a look at the role hardwood plays to contribute to the creation of resilient green spaces in the urban spaces, and allows us to lead a more sustainable and green life.

The use of sustainable building materials such as hardwood ensures a positive impact on our surroundings, such as air pollution mitigation, a reduction in the urban heat island effect and an overall enhancement of biodiversity in the urban spaces. Anyone living in an urban city can probably attest to the need and importance of integrating green spaces in our regular urban environments. Green urban infrastructure refers to spaces such as parks, gardens, roof gardens and the general practice of building infrastructure facilities in a more sustainable and green manner.

Being one of the only renewable and recyclable building materials, hardwood adds a ton of benefits to urban spaces, along with unmatched elegance. A quick look at the use of hardwood in Japanese and Scandinavian infrastructure can attest to this. Hardwood also absorbs harmful substances, such as carbon emissions, thus reducing the overall air pollution and elevating the quality of life. For those living in colder regions, hardwood also acts as a great insulant.

Hardwood is a great addition to infrastructure projects, not only because it is biodegradable and organic, but also due to its ability to facilitate a positive environment, thus helping immensely with mental health as well. By harnessing the qualities of hardwood for creating green urban infrastructure projects, we can create spaces which not only lower our collective carbon footprint, but also provide a beautiful urban landscape which allows us to connect with nature.


Incorporating wood into our surroundings can, furthermore, increase the overall quality of life by enhancing mental health, lowering stress and helping people connect with the environment, thus also improving overall productivity. By integrating hardwood elements into streetscapes, plazas, and public buildings, cities can create more human-centric spaces that promote health, happiness, and a sense of belonging.

Hardwood stands as a cornerstone of urban infrastructure, offering a harmonious blend of strength, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic viability through its properties of longevity and durability. Therefore, in order to ensure healthy and green living spaces, we must embrace the use of hardwood in developing green urban infrastructure.

Hardwood Forests: The Heroes of Carbon Sequestration

In 2024, we are all about ecology and sustainability and hardwood forests are nature’s heroes when it comes to promoting sustainability and fighting climate change. Our hardwood forests act as our silent guardians and protect, not only our health but the overall biodiversity. One of their main roles? Carbon sequestration!

Now what is carbon sequestration, you ask? Simply put, it is the process of capturing and storing the atmospheric carbon dioxide. But let’s delve a little deeper into this phenomenon and take a look at how hardwood’s carbon sequestration powers help us and save our environment.

Now, our relationship with carbon is a little bittersweet. While this atmospheric gas is all around us, it is also the primary culprit behind global warming and climate change. Rapid industrialisation and urbanisation have led to activities such as burning fossil fuels and rampant deforestation and as a result, the catapult of carbon dioxide (CO2) levels to unprecedented levels.

Now, how do we combat carbon dioxide? The answer is hardwood forests. Hardwood forests are the true champions in the fight against climate change and the unsung heroes in the battle against rising carbon levels. These forests have the unique ability to absorb and store vast amounts of carbon, effectively mitigating the effects of climate change caused by rising carbon dioxide levels.

Hardwood forests, with their dense and durable properties and their extensive root network, essentially act as nature’s carbon vaults. They absorb the bad from the atmosphere (carbon dioxide) and expel the good (oxygen), keeping us alive and thriving in the process. Now, hardwood trees don’t just store carbon, they lock it away for decades on end. Their ability to store carbon only increases as these trees grow and mature, thus storing more amounts of carbon.

Hardwood forests make up a conducive ecosystem of biodiversity, which keeps healing the planet. Which is why it is so essential to protect these ecosystems. By safeguarding and protecting hardwood forests, we ensure that carbon keeps getting sequestered, and we maintain a healthy, green planet with rich and invaluable biodiversity hotspots.


Join Gutchess Lumber in our effort to practice sustainable forestry, in order to ensure sustainability and the protection of the gems that are hardwood forests.

Popular American Appalachian Hardwoods

Hard, heavy, and reliable words one may use to describe American Appalachian hardwoods. Each American hardwood is unique, with unrivaled beauty, durability, and versatility. A geographical marvel, the Appalachian region in North America bestows us with these hardwood species.

As one of the most sought-after premium lumber, Appalachian hardwoods are genuinely some of the most durable hardwoods a craftsman can get. Gutchess Lumber takes pride in offering our customers some of the finest Appalachian hardwoods. Here are the American hardwood species to help fulfill your woodworking needs.


Growing to 80 feet with a crown that spreads over 50 feet wide, White Ash wood has a medium to coarse texture that is almost always straight and regular. White Ash lumber is light to medium brown. With strength and resilience, this hardwood retains its region’s commitment to producing premium hardwood.

Our White Ash hardwood is dense with bright white sapwood, light tan heartwood, and uniform, well-defined annual growth rings. Commonly used in furniture, tool handles, guitar bodies, lobster traps, and flooring, White Ash lumber turns well and retains extreme strength.


American Basswood grows between 50 and 80 feet in height with a 30-foot to 50-foot spread. Ranging from pale white to light brown with a straight, fine-grain pattern, this hardwood is a soft, lightweight wood.

The light density of basswood lumber makes it well-suited for woodenware, crates, blinds, and internal furniture parts.


The Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) can grow between 25 and 110 feet tall.  Due to its malleability and the wide distribution of the seeds of its fruit by birds, the Black Cherry has always been in abundance in North America. Black Cherry wood features a fine, straight grain and a light pink-brown to medium reddish-brown color.

Black Cherry hardwood from our region is one of the most valued hardwood species with its rich red heartwood, beautiful grain patterns, and minimal gum spots. Uses for kiln-dried cherry lumber include fine furniture, cabinets, paneling, flooring, doors, recreational vehicle interiors, string instruments, coffins, and carvings.


Hickory trees grow to heights of 65 feet to 100 feet, with trunks growing to 1 foot to 2 feet in diameter. With a Janka Hardness ranking of 1,880 lbf, Hickory boasts excellent strength and shock resistance, making it desirable for products such as cabinets, tool handles, axles and shafts, bows, skis, paddles, furniture, and flooring. Hickory wood lumber heartwood features light to medium brown with red undertones, while the sapwood is pale, yellowish-brown.

Hard Maple

This maple hardwood species grows from 50 to 80 feet and features a fine, even-textured grain. Hard Maple is a dense hardwood noted for its sturdiness and density. As a result, it has high resistance to abrasion and wear and is prized for furniture, cabinets, stairs, mouldings and millwork, coffins, and flooring. It is also used for gym and basketball courts, bowling alleys, bowling pins, rolling pins, other turnings, skateboard decks, baseball bats, billiard cues, cutting blocks, and various musical instruments.

Soft Maple

Soft Maple grows between 30 feet to 100 feet in height, and its close-grained sapwood is generally creamy white and its heartwood reddish-brown. Soft Maple trees were dubbed for their soft leaves in the autumn, but it is also known as the Scarlet Maple, Red Maple, the Drummond Red Maple, the Carolina Red Maple, the Swamp Maple, the Trident Maple, and the Water maple.

Red Oak

The Red Oak tree can grow up to 24 inches annually and reach a mature height of 60 to 90 feet. Red Oak wood color ranges from light to medium brown with red undertones and is strong, durable, easy to work with, and consistent in color and texture. Kiln-dried Red Oak is commonly used in furniture, cabinets, doors, panels, moldings, and millwork, floors, and caskets.

White Oak

White Oak trees can grow as large as 100 feet tall and reach a mature age within 20 years. It is an extraordinarily durable wood type with incredible water-resistance properties as its wood pores are plugged by tyloses, making it harder for water to cause decay and rot. This makes it the ideal choice for shipbuilding and whiskey and wine barrels.

White Oak has a light brown heartwood and slightly paler sapwood and is strong, tough, dense, tight-grained, durable, and beautiful.


Poplar lumber is a substantial species, growing 130 to 160 feet tall with a trunk diameter of 6 feet to 8 feet. White Poplar is a light, soft hardwood with sapwood that is white or light green cast. Our White Poplar lumber is harvested from prime timberland in the northern Appalachian region of Pennsylvania near our manufacturing facilities. It is often used in furniture, moldings and millwork, paneling, panels, carvings, crates, and picture frames.


Black Walnut grows between 75 feet and 130 feet tall with a trunk diameter of 2 feet to 3 feet. American Black Walnut has beautiful dark red heartwood and steamed dark sapwood. Applications for Black Walnut lumber include furniture, paneling, cabinets, doors, paddles, coffins, flooring, and rifle stock. This hardwood is an exceptional example of this region’s ability to produce highly durable, premium lumber.

American Appalachian hardwood is for those who appreciate lumber’s natural beauty, durability, and quality. A true testament to nature’s craftsmanship, this Appalachian hardwood is exceptionally alluring, with plenty to offer.

Gutchess Lumber Trusted Hardwood Supplier

When it comes to hardwood, you should never settle for anything less than perfect. Hardwood, by its very virtue, represents reliability and durability, and so, you should receive the same qualities from your hardwood suppliers. At Gutchess Lumber, we control the process from start to finish, in order to ensure only quality products and exceptional service for our customers.

120 Years in the Hardwood Industry

Since 1904, Gutchess Lumber Co., Inc. has produced the finest quality northern hardwood lumber across New York and Pennsylvania. We made a commitment 120 years ago to provide our customers with the highest quality products and service, and we have delivered on this time and time again. With seven lumber yards and sawmills across New York and Pennsylvania, we are in the perfect area to responsibly source and harvest in prime timberland.

As a 5th generation family and employee-owned organization, we continue to strive to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations. Over the course of 12 decades, we have worked on honing our craft and have built a legacy. George Gutchess built the first mill on his farm in Leeper, New York, all the way back in 1904 with the dream of being the area’s go to hardwood supplier. This legacy was carried on by his son, Clair Gutchess, who developed a loyal, dedicated, and hardworking team of employees.

We believe in carrying on this legacy by acting as a beacon of reliability and quality for our customers as their go-to hardwood supplier.

Supplying Hardwood Worldwide

Our work and commitment to being the go-to hardwood supplier transcends borders. For decades, Gutchess has been an exporter of northern hardwood lumber, as a trusted supplier. Our knowledge of northern hardwoods, combined with our experience and expertise in shipping lumber internationally, has allowed us to make a global impact.

We take immense pride in being a trusted, superior-quality supplier of hardwood lumber, both internationally and domestically. We maintain excellent quality standards, while ensuring true sustainability. From Europe, to Asia, to South America, and of course, here at home in the United States too, we provide the highest quality lumber to our customers anywhere in the world.

Visit our international exports and domestic supply pages to know more about our global reach.

Trusted by Leading Hardwood Industry Organizations

At Gutchess, our reputation precedes us. We believe in honing relationships based on trust and today, we are trusted and backed by some of the leading hardwood industry organizations in the world. Some of the leading hardwood industry organizations which trust Gutchess as much as our customers do are:

  1. American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC)

A globally recognized authority and the leading international trade association for the U.S. hardwood industry, representing the committed U.S. hardwood exporters and the major U.S. hardwood product trade associations, the AHEC has trusted Gutchess Lumber for our unwavering commitment towards hardwood and for providing superior quality lumber.

  1. National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA)

The NHLA is North America’s largest hardwood trade association, which has been serving the industry since 1898. This association upholds the highest standards in the industry by maintaining certain Hardwood Lumber Grading Rules. We at Gutchess Lumber strictly adhere to these grading guidelines to maintain indisputable quality and ensure that our customers can trust that they’re getting superior-quality lumber.

When it comes to quality and trustworthiness, Gutchess Lumber has been standing tall for 12 decades and counting. We have made a commitment to remain a trusted supplier of hardwood lumber, both internationally and domestically, while upholding the highest standards of the industry. That’s why we and our customers say, ‘Be Sure It’s Gutchess’.

What You Need to Buy Truckloads and Containers of Hardwood

If you’re manufacturing hardwood products like cabinets, flooring, stair parts, or a distributor of fine hardwood lumber, you probably know the value of a reliable supplier for high-quality hardwood.

Gutchess Lumber, a leading name in manufacturing responsible hardwood products, is here to meet your demands. We understand your need for reliable, high-quality hardwood and are here to make it happen.

So, what goes into partnering with Gutchess Lumber for your hardwood needs? Here’s a comprehensive guide.

1. Consistent Quality Hardwood Products

At Gutchess Lumber, we specialize in providing consistent quality Appalachian hardwood products to businesses that demand ongoing excellence. Our business caters to manufacturers of hardwood products such as cabinets, flooring, furniture, stair parts, moulding, millwork, etc., and distributors of hardwood lumber.

We can ship truckloads and containers of consistent quality hardwood domestically and worldwide. If you manufacture or distribute hardwood lumber, look no further than Gutchess Lumber.

2. On-time Delivery

Gutchess Lumber is committed to supplying hardwood year-round and on time, regardless of market conditions. We understand there is no room for delay when you say you need hardwood by a specific date. When we say you’ll get your hardwood delivered on a particular date, we mean it.

3. Strong Credit Standing

A good credit standing is vital for any business transaction. We work best with partners who value this as much as we do and maintain a good credit score to create a reliable, mutually beneficial, and secure business relationship.

4. Species Requirements

When it comes to hardwood, choosing a suitable species is critical. Gutchess Lumber allows you to choose from various Appalachian hardwood species. You’ve come to the right place if you’re in the market for any of the following hardwoods. Our production line includes:

White Ash


Yellow Birch

Black Cherry

Hard Maple



Red Maple

Red Oak


White Oak

Each of these hardwoods has unique qualities. When you’re looking to buy any of the species that Gutchess offers in truckload or container quantities, you can be confident that you’re getting real American hardwood.

5. Flexibility in Specifications

Regarding hardwood, you must find lumber that best suits your specific requirements. If you’re looking to buy truckloads or containers of rough-cut lumber or S2S material, then Gutchess Lumbers is the perfect destination for you. You can find the specifications of each species on our website and our hardwood lumber stock list, which is updated consistently.

6. Exclusive Focus on Business Partners

Gutchess Lumbers places value in building long-lasting, enduring and exclusive relationships with our customers. We are happy to go the extra mile to ensure commitment in our relationship with our customers. To honor this commitment, Gutchess Lumber does not pursue or solicit business from our distributors’ customers. Our customers are collaborators in a shared journey towards excellence in hardwood products.

To reinforce this commitment, we have a strict policy: you must not be a customer of a current customer. We respect our established partnerships and believe in working with them for mutual growth.

7. Shared Value of the Environment and Sustainability

You’re in the right place if you’re passionate about responsible forestry practices in hardwood production. At Gutchess Lumber, we understand the importance of responsible practices in hardwood harvesting and production. If you share our passion and value for responsibly sourced hardwood, you should buy truckloads and containers of hardwood from us.

Partnering with customers who share a similar vision ensures that we collectively continue to take steps towards a greener, more sustainable future.

8. Promoting the Benefits of Hardwood

At Gutchess Lumber, we are deeply committed to providing high-quality hardwood and spreading awareness about its exceptional benefits. From its durability and timeless appeal to its positive environmental impact, hardwood is an exceptional choice for aesthetics and sustainability. At Gutchess Lumber, we encourage you to choose us only if you are equally passionate about promoting the advantages of hardwoods to consumers around the world.


The Gutchess Lumber Advantage

1. Transparent Payment Terms

Gutchess Lumber believes in ensuring clarity and flexibility when it comes to payment. Our standard payment terms for domestic transactions are 1% 10 days/Net 30.

On the export front, we extend three standard payment methods: CAD (Cash Against Documents), Wire Transfer, and the 2WT option. The latter offers a 2% discount if payment is wired within ten days of receiving the invoice. This not only streamlines the transaction process but also provides a cost-saving incentive. We accept ACH and wire payments, facilitating smooth and secure transactions.

Additionally, there is no restriction based on the number of years your business has been in operation. New businesses, get in touch. We’ve been around for 120 years and counting and would be happy to share some of the knowledge we’ve collected over the years.

2. Flexible Shipping Options

At Gutchess Lumber, we understand that shipping preferences can vary. We offer two primary shipping terms to accommodate your needs and ensure a hassle-free buying experience.

FOB Mill: Under this arrangement, you can organize the freight, whether a truckload or a container. This gives you control over the logistics of the shipment.

Delivered: With this option, we take charge of the freight arrangements, ensuring a hassle-free delivery process. Whether it’s a truckload or container, we handle the logistics so you can focus on your core operations.

We will help you find lumber that fits your specific requirements so you can buy truckloads and containers of hardwood from Gutchess Lumber. Click here to find your region’s dedicated sales representative and get in touch. We can’t wait for you to get your first delivery of Gutchess Lumber hardwood products.

What are you waiting for? With flexible export options and the best quality lumber, order your truckload of lumber from Gutchess Lumber today!

11 Types of Appalachian Hardwood

The finest quality Appalachian hardwood is essential when distributing and manufacturing hardwood products for furniture, moulding, and other secondary uses. Crafting exquisite pieces that consumers will love requires the trust, charm, and quality that only Gutchess Lumber hardwood can provide. That is why our tagline is Be Sure It’s Gutchess.

Each type of Appalachian hardwood is unique and versatile and has specific characteristics that make it the perfect choice for your needs. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the eleven hardwood species we manufacture here at Gutchess Lumber that are revered for their distinctive characteristics and consistent quality.

White Ash Hardwood

Commonly used in furniture, tool handles, guitar bodies, lobster traps, and flooring, White Ash (Fraxinus americana) is a symbol of strength and dependability. Characterized by a straight, medium to coarse texture, it ranges from light to medium brown. Our White Ash hardwood is dense with bright white sapwood, light tan heartwood, and uniform, well-defined annual growth rings.

Renowned for its durability, it’s the go-to wood for crafting baseball bats and longbows. Whether you’re creating a masterpiece or a functional tool, White Ash is a choice that ensures your creation stands the test of time.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4, 10/4, 12/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&B, S&B, SELN, 6SEL, 1,2,3 COM, Pallet


Basswood Hardwood

Also known as Lime or Linden, American Basswood is a soft, lightweight hardwood ideal for crafting. A soft, lightweight wood, pale in color, with fine close grain, it is usually free of large knots. From pale white to light brown, Basswood features a straight, fine-grain pattern—a canvas of understated elegance.

The light density of basswood lumber makes it well-suited for woodenware, crates, blinds, and internal furniture parts. For carving enthusiasts, kiln-dried Basswood responds effortlessly to hand tools. In many applications, it’s a versatile substitute for aspen or poplar.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 8/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&B, 1,2 COM, Pallet


Yellow Birch Hardwood

Native to Northeastern North America, Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis) showcases a beautiful interplay of light, red-brown heartwood, and nearly white sapwood, exuding natural sophistication. The wood’s straight grain complements its fine, even texture, making it a pleasure to work with. With a Janka Hardness rating of 1,260 lbf, Yellow Birch embodies durability. Kiln-dried Yellow Birch finds its place in various applications, from crafting furniture and kitchen cabinets to adorning paneling, moldings, and interior doors.

Thickness Offered:


Few Grades Offered:

F&B, 1,2 COM


Black Cherry Hardwood

The Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) is a North American marvel featuring a fine, straight grain with the exception of figured pieces with curly grain patterns or when defects from pith, mineral deposits, gum pockets, and knots arise. Due to its malleability and the wide distribution of the seeds of its fruit by birds, the Black Cherry has always been in abundance in North America.

Ranging from light pink-brown to a radiant medium reddish-brown, Black Cherry’s palette is highly versatile. Medium in density, Black Cherry is malleable and exhibits excellent wood bending properties. Kiln-dried Cherry lumber finds its place in fine furniture, cabinets, paneling, flooring, doors, and even musical instruments. Its versatility extends to coffins, carvings, and recreational vehicle interiors.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4, 10/4, 12/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&BP, F&B, S&B, NAT, SELN, 6SEL, 1,2,3 COM, RUSTIC, Pallet


Hard Maple Hardwood

Hard Maple hardwood hails from the Sugar Maple tree (Acer saccharum), and is abundant throughout the Northeastern United States and Northeastern Canada. Hard Maple wood features a fine, even-textured grain that is generally straight but may be wavy. It boasts a palette ranging from white to cream and is graced by reddish or golden hues.

Hard Maple is a dense hardwood noted for its sturdy, bright white sapwood and high abrasion and wear resistance. Hard Maple finds its essence in various applications, from crafting fine furniture to adorning cabinets, stairs, and millwork. It can be found in gym floors, bowling alleys, and even in creating musical instruments.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4, 10/4, 12/4, 16/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&B, S&B, SELN, 6SEL, 1,2,3 COM, Pallet


Hickory Hardwood

Native to the Eastern United States, Hickory is commonly known as Shagbark Hickory. Its remarkable Janka Hardness ranking of 1,880 lbf ensures excellent strength and shock resistance. Hickory wood lumber heartwood features light to medium brown with red undertones, while the sapwood is pale, yellowish-brown. Its grain, predominantly straight with occasional waves, adds depth to its visual appeal, complemented by a medium texture.

For those seeking a rustic touch, Calico Hickory boards offer a picturesque option featuring heartwood and sapwood on the same canvas. Used for cabinets, tool handles, axles and shafts, bows, skis, paddles, furniture, and flooring, Hickory is hard, dense, and heavy.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 8/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&B, 1,2,3 COM, RUSTIC, Pallet


Poplar Hardwood

Rising to towering heights of 130 to 160 feet, with trunks spanning 6 to 8 feet in diameter, Poplar commands attention with its sheer size. However, beneath this imposing stature lies a wood of remarkably low density.

Poplar wood color features a light cream to yellow-brown heartwood, pale yellow to white sapwood, and a straight, uniform grain. White Poplar is a light, soft hardwood with sapwood that is white or light green cast. The color is lighter and more uniform than native American Southern “Yellow Poplar” (also known as Tulipwood). It is generally free of dark mineral streaks found in the southern species, making it a stain-grade Poplar.

White Poplar offers an economical solution for various applications from furniture to millwork, carvings to picture frames. It proves itself to be a versatile and cost-effective option.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4, 10/4, 12/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&B, 1,2,3 COM


Red Maple Hardwood

Also known as the Scarlet Maple, Red Maple, the Drummond Red Maple, the Carolina Red Maple, the Swamp Maple, the Trident Maple, and the Water Maple, this hardwood is found in the Eastern United States and Canada. Similar in appearance to Hard Maple, its close-grained sapwood is generally creamy white, and its heartwood is reddish-brown. The grain of this hardwood is often dotted with flecks. It easily machines and can be finished to emulate the essence of Hard Maple, Black Cherry, or Alder, making it a valuable substitute in various woodworking projects.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&BS, F&B, FIGR, WRM, S&B, SELN, 6SEL, 1,2,3 COM, Pallet


Red Oak Hardwood

A testament to nature’s vigor, the Red Oak tree unfurls its branches, growing to a remarkable 24 inches yearly. Red Oak lumber boasts a distinctive character, featuring a coarse, uneven, straight grain punctuated by large pores. Red Oak wood color ranges from light to medium brown with red undertones.

Distinguished by its strength, durability, and ease of manipulation, Red Oak is a versatile ally in woodworking. Red Oak machines exceptionally well and can be stained or polished beautifully. Kiln-dried Red Oak is commonly used in furniture, cabinets, doors, panels, moldings, and millwork, floors, and caskets.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&B, F&BP, S&B, SELN, 6SEL, 1,2,3 COM, Pallet


Walnut Hardwood

Known by various names like American Black Walnut and American Walnut, Walnut exudes an air of timeless elegance. The Black Walnut hardwood bark is dark gray to brown in color with deep ridges that create a distinctive bark pattern. American Black Walnut is a straight-grained, medium-density hardwood with beautiful dark red heartwood and steamed dark sapwood.

Renowned for its workability and stunning finish, this medium-density hardwood is preferred for various applications. From crafting exquisite furniture and cabinets to adorning doors, floors, and paneling, Black Walnut leaves an indelible mark of sophistication and luxury.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&B, F&BS, 1,2,3 COM, Pallet


White Oak Hardwood

White Oak (Quercus alba) tree growth is native to the eastern United States. It boasts resilience against diverse climates, adapting seamlessly to varying temperatures, annual precipitation, and relative humidity levels.

The color of White Oak lumber can be described as similar to wheat in color with cool undertones. White Oak wood features a very mild, straight grain pattern that is perceived as having a coarse, uneven texture even when planed.

The remarkable durability and water-resistant prowess of White Oak truly set it apart. Tyloses fortify its pores, rendering it resistant to decay and rot. These natural waterproofing properties are the reason White Oak has historically been the wood of choice for shipbuilding.

White Oak has a light brown heartwood and slightly paler sapwood. It is vital, tough, dense, tight-grained, durable, and beautiful. Its water-resistant properties make it the primary species for whiskey and wine barrels. It is used in fine furniture today and indoors, moldings, caskets, boat decking, flooring, and outdoor applications. Kiln-dried White Oak is rated as one of the best hardwoods for machining and steam bending.

Thickness Offered:

4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4

Few Grades Offered:

F&B, 1,2,3 COM, Pallet

Real American Hardwood Coalition and Gutchess Lumber: Global Build Your World Campaign

Gutchess Lumber is a Real American Hardwood Coalition member and has proudly joined forces to share the global Build Your World campaign. Through the Build Your World campaign, the lumber industry is showing how Real American Hardwood products offer unmatched aesthetics, natural durability, and lasting value—as well as why they are healthier for our homes and environment.



The purpose of the campaign is to encourage our customers and our customers’ customers to unleash their inner architect. They can use the design hub to craft the world of their dreams from the perfect hardwood species. Users can choose their settings to explore countless hardwood options, embrace sustainability, and indulge in the beauty of authentic hardwood. A few of the hardwood species featured in the design hub include Ash hardwood, Poplar hardwood, Red Oak hardwood, and White Oak hardwood, all Northern species we manufacture at Gutchess Lumber.


Build Your World with White Ash Hardwood

White Ash hardwood is a species that could be extinct in the near future. Because of this, Ash lumber will be a coveted commodity. Get to know the hardwood species more below:

Ash Lumber Overview

The sapwood is light-colored to nearly white and the heartwood varies from grayish or light brown, to pale yellow streaked with brown. The wood is generally straight-grained with a coarse uniform texture. The degree and availability of light-colored sapwood, and other properties, will vary according to the growing regions.

Ash Lumber Physical Characteristics

Ash machines well, is good in nailing, screwing and gluing, and can be stained to a very good finish. It dries fairly easily with minimal degrade, and there is little movement in performance.

Ash Lumber Usage

Ash hardwood can be used in a variety of applications. It is particularly suitable for food and liquid containers since there is no odor or taste. Other ways Ash hardwood can be used includes:

  • Furniture
  • Flooring
  • Doors
  • Architectural millwork and moulding
  • Kitchen cabinets
  • Paneling
  • Tool handles
  • Baseball bats
  • Sporting equipment
  • Turnings


Build Your World with Poplar Hardwood

Gutchess Lumber harvests White Poplar lumber from prime timberland in the northern Appalachian region of Pennsylvania. Because of our dedication to the environment and sustainability, we only harvest standing timber near our manufacturing facilities across New York and Pennsylvania.

Poplar Lumber Overview

The sapwood is creamy white and may be streaked, and the heartwood varies from pale yellowish-brown to olive green. The green color in the heartwood will tend to darken on exposure to light and turn brown. The wood has a medium-to-fine texture and is straight-grained.

Poplar Lumber Physical Characteristics

Poplar is a medium-density wood with low-bending, shock resistance, stiffness, and compression values. It has a medium steam-bending classification.

Poplar Lumber Usage

Poplar hardwood is used from furniture to mouldings. Here is a list of how Poplar lumber can be used in application:

  • Light construction
  • Furniture
  • Kitchen cabinets
  • Doors
  • Paneling
  • Moulding and millwork
  • Edge-glued panels
  • Turnings
  • Carvings


To learn more about Gutchess Lumber’s hardwood species, check out our full lineup of real American hardwood products here.

World’s Greatest Lumber Company: Gutchess Lumber Co., Inc.

Hundreds of lumber companies were vetted and Gutchess Lumber Co., Inc was chosen as the World’s Greatest. Originally airing on Bloomberg TV, the “World’s Greatest” segment is now available for all to see.

Join us as we recap and learn why Gutchess Lumber was chosen as the World’s Greatest.

About Gutchess Lumber:

Since 1904, when George Gutchess founded the first sawmill on a small farm in upstate New York, Gutchess Lumber has been a leading manufacturer of premium northern hardwood lumber used in such applications as furniture, flooring, cabinetry, doors, and architectural millwork. We have since prided ourselves on our company’s commitment to quality in all that we do.

About “World’s Greatest!…”

World’s Greatest is an award-winning National Television Series taking viewers on a fast-paced tour around the world, featuring behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with some of the most amazing and unique companies, products, people, and travel destinations the world has to offer.